ServiceMaster of Hamilton

recognizes the contributions of

Abdulhadi Alkahalaf


Since joining ServiceMaster of Hamilton, Abdulhadi Alkhalaf has proven himself to be an integral part of our team.  Abdulhadi is not just an essential employee for us, he is an EVERYDAY HERO to us for simply being who he is!


While still relatively new to ServiceMaster of Hamilton, Abdulhadi has already proven himself to be an exceptional member of our shuttle operations team with one of our key customers, Amazon.  Abdulhadi always shows up ready to get the job done by completing his tasks quickly and efficiently.  Abdulhadi has also proven himself to be a true team player having built strong relationships with both his coworkers and his supervisors.


For these reasons and more, we would like to recognize Abdulhadi as our EVERYDAY HERO.  We are certain that we would not be as successful in what we do without Abdulhadi on our team! 


“Thank you, Abdulhadi, for your dedication and simply just being you! 

You are most certainly our EVERYDAY HERO!”